Monday, January 10, 2011

Man Never Agree Sex Problem Definition

Bloomington, Indiana- Sexual intercourse had a very broad sense, especially with so many variations that can be done. There is evaluate oral sex does not include sexual intercourse, there is also an assessment of the more extreme the penetration of the penis into the vagina is not sex if a condom.

In a survey at Indiana University, 484 respondents aged 18-96 years who asked for an assessment of various sexual activities. The respondents were asked to determine whether such activities including sexual intercourse or not.

Was to be expected, most respondents rated penetration of the penis into the vagina is a form of sex. This assessment was agreed by about 82 percent of all respondents regardless of their age group.

The findings are somewhat surprising is that 11 percent of respondents considered that the penetration is not classified as sex if the man does not achieve orgasm.
To this group, sex requires orgasm in men.

Somewhat different from previous research, 70 percent of respondents in this study to assess oral sex equipment include other forms of sexual relations. In a previous study, 80 percent of female respondents refusing oral sex is called sex.

When grouped by age, there is a difference of perception between respondents who were young and the elderly about the definition of sex. Compared to the old, the younger respondents had more criteria about sex.

For example about the use of condoms, 100 percent of respondents aged 19-29 years to assess sex 'not legitimate' if done with condoms. While in the age group 65 years and above, penetration of the penis into the vagina still called sexual intercourse, with or without a condom.

Anal sex (penis into the anus), 80 percent of younger respondents judged as sex if done without a condom. As for the age group 65 years and over, only 50 percent who agree if sex is anal sex.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ice Cubes More Dirt Than Toilet Water

Ice cubes are sold in stalls was derived from a sleek Ciliwung river water color really was. At first they use a whitening agent for plasticity more clear water. Then inserted into the coolers and ice chests be large and clear. Initially ice is only used to preserve food (fish, fruit and vegetables) or cool drink bottles in the box with no refrigeration system. But alas, the food and beverage vendors in jakarta (even the big shops) to use this ice in cold drinks they sell. Sweet iced tea, various juices, mixed ice, ice Doger, and others who make us swallow hard when I saw this drink at the time blazing heat. ONLY CHEAP grounds, OMG!

you know that, after Trans investigation team tried to take a random sample of some sellers that use this ice in drinks, and then tested in the laboratory, as evidenced in the ice it contains bacteria E-**** far above the normal range (10000-20000 per 100 mL). In other words this ice contains bacteria is almost equivalent to (sorry) of human waste...

You like to drink cold drinks from fast food restaurants? From now on you should be careful because past research has proven that provided ice cubes fast food restaurants contains more bacteria than toilet water. Oh no!! ... You often feel less comfortable using water in public bathrooms? Surely you can not guarantee the cleanliness of the water is not it? But have you ever thought of where the water is frozen into ice in fast food restaurant? Looks like you have to change the assumption that the ice cubes that come from fast food restaurants are safe for consumption. A recent study proves that 70% of ice cubes fast-food restaurants have more germs than toilet water, so ... beware!
Do you ask what will you get from this country, but ask what have you done for this country.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Silkworm carcass lust Can Overcome Weak

Jakarta - A variety of side effects on the use of Viagra made many people turn to traditional herb to treat impotence or impotence. One was wearing a silk worm carcasses, especially those who died because his body to fungal attack.

Silkworm carcasses which have been dried and still overgrown with fungi are usually consumed by mixing into the cereal for breakfast. Some people choose to use other means, namely maked like tea.

Residents in the vicinity of the Himalayas including Tibet, Nepal and India know this herb for generations since hundreds of years ago. In the local language, silkworm carcasses herb is called yarsagumba or dong Chong Xia Cao.

Yarsagumba is a concoction made from carcasses which had been dried silkworms. Silkworm silk used must come from a height of 3500 meters above sea level and have died of certain fungal infections, because it is said that the fungus is actually more nutritious.

In addition to treat impotence, yarsagumba also useful for treating other diseases. In lower doses, this herb is also used to solve various problems in the respiratory system, especially in asthma attacks or shortness of breath.

Some twenty years ago, yarsagumba can be obtained only at a price of U.S. $ 6.5 or about Rp 56 thousand per ounce. But lately after a widely known throughout the world, this traditional herb price rocketed to $ 800 (USD 8 million) per ounce.

Thomas Leung, the owner of a Chinese drug store in New York said the high cost of ingredients yarsagumba caused by high demand. And to get the carcass silkworms is overgrown fungus is not easy, it takes
struggle because there are only in the Himalayas.

"Actually, many applicants simply because of excessive publication. I personally if asked whether actually work, my answer may not be comparable to U.S. $ 800 that you pay," said Leung was quoted as saying of Dailymail, Wednesday (2011/01/05) .

Friday, January 7, 2011

No man who is not Watch Porn

Jakarta - Where there is pornography there is a man. Research conducted scientists discover all adult men were watching porn. Surprisingly habit first began when the average male age of 10 years.

Researchers from the University of Montreal Canada doing research in 2009. Initially, researchers just want to find a man aged in their early 20s who have never seen pornography.

But the researchers actually have trouble finding a man who has never watched a porn movie. None of the men surveyed who have never watched porn movies.

"We could not find a single man who had never seen pornography," said Professor Simon Louis Lajeunesse as quoted by the Telegraph, Tuesday (2011/01/06).

About 90 percent of normal male (heterosexual) who surveyed watch porn movies from the internet, own the remaining 10 percent purchased from the store video.

Single men surveyed claimed to watch pornography on average 40 minutes for three times a week. While men who have admitted watching porn couples only 1.7 times a week for 20 minutes.

From the results of this study, researchers concluded that men watching porn in accordance with the image and style of sexuality. But they will get rid of movies that are considered too weird.

"But pornography does not change the perception of men against women or interfere with the relationship with her partner. In fact, most of them pretty conventional sexual style," said Prof Lajeunesse.

Who feared the rise of pornography will have negative effects for those who are not yet mature. Moreover, the results of the study was a desire to see pornography on average occur when a child 10 years of age.

Psychologist Andayani Ramelan, Psi from the University of Esa Unggul ever contacted detikHealth said the children would find pornography because it was originally filled with curiosity and wonder.

For that it's good, parents provide the delivery and explain cause and effect with an easily understood by children.

Because of the prohibition against the children without any explanation would only make the child will find out for himself from sources that could have on things that are not good.

Andayani Psychologists offers tips for child porn was curious about the video:

1. Give understanding, not coercion.  
Avoid using the word 'do', let alone in expressing harsh articulation. Instead of saying 'You're not allowed to watch porn videos!', Better explain to her why she was not allowed to watch and its impact.

2. Give the notion of sexual relations, but need not be told in detail.
Say that 'sexual relations should only be done by a husband & wife are valid according to religion and the state'.

3. Associate with moral and religious education.
Tell me if sexual relations without marriage is not true and will get a sin. Tell him, 'God does not like people who watch porn videos you know ...'

4. Let me know cause and effect when the act was done.
Explain that the action was going to embarrass himself, his family and those around him.

5. Ask the child about the views and opinions.
See the reaction of children, whether the child had caught the intention of speech or not.

6. Note the child's activities while he was still in reach of a parent.
7. Remind him to be close to God Almighty.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

2 Diseases of the Most Feared People Indonesia

Johannesburg - There are various kinds of diseases that can strike any person, whether mild or severe. But for the people of Indonesia, high cholesterol and lose the power of vision is the second most feared disease threat the next 5 years.

This is based on survey results of Health and Welfare of Indonesia or Philips Index for Health and Wellbeing 2010, which was simultaneously conducted in 30 countries around the world. Besides Indonesia, the survey was also conducted among others in Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, South Korea, Belgium and Australia.

The survey results indicate that cholesterol and lose the power of vision problems or blindness was seen as a major threat to public health in the next five years.

"Changes in lifestyle may be one factor decreased vision in the human eye. Ironically, many Indonesian people who do not realize this, so the decline in the ability of vision to be a veiled threat to the people of Indonesia," said Dr. Rini Mahendrastari Singgih, SPM, Paed.Opthal from Indonesia Mahendra Eye Clinic, in the event Press Conference Indonesia Health & Wellbeing Index, at the Hotel Nikko, Jakarta, Tuesday (12/14/2010).

Another threat is feared after high cholesterol and lose the power of vision is a stroke, influenza, arthritis, cancer and heart attacks.

A survey conducted of 1,000 respondents in all cities in Indonesia also shows that 46 percent of Indonesia felt himself to be healthy and fine, so that 75 percent of respondents considered not need a doctor, even 55 percent of respondents admitted to not seek medical illness

The survey results also revealed that 4 out of 10 Indonesian men tend to seek the advice of friends and family first before visiting the doctor when sick.
Indonesia is classified as 'technology literate' and have a high enough Internet users in the world, but in fact use the Internet as a source of health information referral tergoling still low. However, pasa respondents agreed that technology can bring change for the better for life.
"Philips Report Index for Health and Wellbeing 2010 is intended to provide insight into the health and welfare of the community in Indonesia, as well as understand the perceptions and behavior related to health," said Teguh Purwanto, General Manager of Philips Healthcare.
Although Dr Prijo Sidipratomo as Chairman of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) had questioned the methodology used in the survey, but the results of this survey can be believed its validity as a description of personal perception about the health of the people of Indonesia.
"These results could adequately represent the subjective perceptions of Indonesian society, though not 100 percent true and there must be some irregularities. But validation can be quite credible," said Dr Kartono Mohammad who had served as chairman of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI).
The results of this survey is expected to be a collective input for the government, community and health organizations about the current status and needs of patients and public health providers.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Soursop leaf to kill cancer cells

Early years of the 90s found a kind of 'herbal' of the tribes (Tribes) in the Amazon interchangeable bbrp cure important diseases including cancer. Timeout examined by experts from the U.S. pharmaceutical, it turns out they will be derived from the herb Graviola tree leaves. Tsb leaves contain anti-cancer substances called Annonaceous Acetogenin distinguished, which can kill cancer cells without disturbing the healthy cells in the human body.

The pharmaceutical industry they will try to patent the findings of 'this, but failed coz pure active ingredients derived from plants in nature, which means public domain.

Ironically, the results of this study then 'buried', as worry about harm to industry 'chemotherapy' which at that time is the best alternative to overcome cancer. As a result an anti-cancer drug which is very potential and cheap bbrp disappeared for years until the early 2000s, a member of the research team of pharmaceutical tsb tsb divulge secrets to help close a distinguished family of esophageal cancer.

Family members they will recover and be the talk of the doctors who cared for him. This info is widespread and then re-examined by experts pharmacy / medicine from Korea and Japan.
The result was amazing! Now the eight types of cancer can already be treated with this Graviola leaf.

Then the plant whether it Graviola? It turns out native plants that Amazon has the Latin name of Annona muricata, which in the Indonesian language known as soursop! Whoa ..!? Soursop tree it is on everywhere? Well ... that is, a distinguished cancer drug was cheap and efficacious available for free in our yard and ironically not many people who know. The problem is BHW treatment with soursop leaf has not been thoroughly studied scientifically, allows for many pharmaceutical / medicine who have not acknowledged usefulness.

With other words, there is an alternative treatment. Patients who prefer moneyed chemotherapy treatment to overcome cancer, krn supposedly 'more scientific' (although very sick and suffering) and they are able to pay dearly. But for the little people who can not afford expensive treatment which, now there is an alternative treatment which 'would not hurt to try', in addition to cheap, too easy to obtain.

Dose-been tested are:

10 soursop leaves dark green washed, boiled in 3 cups water (600cc), and left hanging until the remaining one cup of water (200 cc). Once cool, then strained and drunk every morning (there are patients who bbrp minumpagi-afternoon). In effect, the stomach will feel warm / hot, and sweating bodies.

Keep in mind BHW herbal medicine is not 'ces-pleng', meaning that after taking a routine for 3-4 weeks a new effect is visible. The condition of the patient improves, activity can return, and the timeout is checked lab / doctor turns out to dry the cancer cells, while other cells which grow (hair, nails, etc.) not at all disturbed.

On the internet have many testimonials about the patients who try this alternative treatment. In addition, existing bbrp Graviola drug company that sells these in capsule form, allows for easier and more practical use. Try just searching through Google with typing: "Graviola anti-cancer". Mudah2an useful ... ... ..

In the Fruit Garden Mekarsari, there is the signing of MOU between JBRO with Mekarsari Fruit Garden. During his visit to the plantation area, delivered by one of the experts there that Soursop fruit has a tremendous benefit in the prevention and cure of cancer.

For prevention, it is advisable to eat or drink fruit juice soursop.

For healing:

1. Boil 10 pieces of old soursop leaves (dark green) into 3 cups boiling water and continue to       evaporate and water to 1 cup only.

2. 1 cup water drunk each day to patients with 2 times.

After drinking, he says the body feels the effects of heat, similar to the effects of chemotherapy.

Within 2 weeks, the results can be checked to the doctor, he said quite nutritious. Soursop leaves are said to nature such as chemotherapy, even

more abundant because soursop leaves only kill cells that grow abnormally and let the cells grow normally. While the killing effects of chemotherapy there was also some normal cells.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

When Health Issues Packed More Chic

Healthy Life Doctors File and make health a pleasant conversation.
By Rusdy Nurdiansyah

Steven Johnson Syndrome (SJS) is a strange disease of drug allergies. In the instantaneous reaction can cause the whole body flushing, hair loss immediately and nails loose. Not only that, Marlina a girl (23 years) had lost his nose because of decay in the organ of smell.

Well, the formation of nasal surgery Marlina refinement stages are displayed Trans 7 in the program docu-drama titled Doctors Files premiered on Monday (4 / 1).

"Doctors Program Files This is an informative and educative programs about health," said Linda Fitriesti, media relations officer at Trans 7. According to Linda, the program Doctors File will present information about various diseases and possible solutions and tips on maintaining health.

In addition to Trans 7, Metro TV also has health information sessions, namely Healthy Life which airs every Sela-sa-Wednesday morning. "Healthy Life Program is a program that presents themes about health, family and healthy lifestyle," said Public Relations Manager of Metro TV, Henny Puspitasari. According to Henny, Healthy Life program, which was hosted Soraya Haque and

Edwin Lau was always trying to show warm conversation about health, with the keynote speakers, health experts, doctors and psychologists. "For those of you who care about health issues, these impressions can be an interesting spectacle at once can be used as a guide," he said, rather advertise the program.

Henny added, which aired the topic Healthy Life is extremely diverse. Starting from the affairs of surgical diseases, such as cardiovascular, cervical cancer and myoma; issues around healthy lifestyle such as pilates, to dissect what the nutrients contained in foods that are known healthful. Honey and soy've reviewed from this side.

Henny exemplifies impressions Healthy Life Mother's Day episode, for example, which presents a cure for pregnant women with hypnosis method. Hypnosis itself is recognized is an alternative method for the treatment of patients with positive suggestions on how to plant the subconscious. That way the patient can feel relaxed and more productive thinking.

This method is done specifically for pregnant women with gestational age over four months, in order to prepare expectant mothers. How was such a fear about how to thin out at the same time transferring all the pain during delivery, so that the pain be felt.

"The benefits of HypnoBirthing for pregnant women to make a pregnant woman be more calm in the face of childbirth. It marked the pelvic muscles become more relaxed so that the delivery process quicker," said Dr. Goddard Yogo Pratomo, MHT (Hypnotherapist) when appearing as a resource person in the program.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Betel leaf and its benefits

Of course we know the plant BETEL very useful to cure various diseases. Betel plant is a plant that is shaped like a heart and has a line in the middle leaf and betel leaf is famous for its properties that can cure various illnesses, from nose bleeds (bleeding from the nose) until the diarrhea and sore teeth.

Take one sheet of betel leaf and then roll out while in the press for its oil and then use to clog the nose or nose bleeds.

Take 4-6 pieces of betel leaf, 6 grains of pepper, 1 tablespoon oil coconut. pound all ingredients together until smooth, then rub on the abdomen. Repeat scrubbing on the sick to recover

Treatment:  Mouthwash 1. betel leaves boiled with 2 cups water to boil and then cool in the cooking water. used cooking water to rinse. Repeated regularly until healthy.2. Take 2 pieces of betel leaf that has been crushed, salt. the pocessing is, all material brewed with hot water as much as 1 cup, then stir until the salt dissolves, let it cool. Water is used for rinsing.

Allergy medicine: outside, in the sections that apply itch. Material: 6 pieces of betel leaf, 1 slice of ginger yellow, 1.5 white. the processing wooden spoon oil, all ingredients are ground together until smooth, then rubbed on the body itching.

Take 7 pieces of betel leaf and 1 slice stone. processing is sugar, betel leaves finely chopped, then boiled with rock sugar with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup, and then filtered. Cooking water taken 3 times a day, each 3 tablespoons.

Taking 70-10 sirih. procesing leaves, betel leaves boiled with 2.5 liters of water to boiling. While still warm, boiled water betel leaf is used to wash and clean up around the genitals over and over. From various sources

With many mangfaat betel leaf, it can certainly help us in maintaining health for the Natural Medicines is an excellent medicine for our bodies.

Of course we know the plant BETEL very useful to cure various diseases. Betel plant is a plant that sepertihati shaped and has a line in the middle leaf and betel leaf is famous for its properties that can cure various illnesses, from nose bleeds (bleeding from the nose) until the diarrhea and sore teeth.

Take one sheet of betel leaf and then roll out while in the press for its oil and then use to clog the nose or nose bleeds.

Take 4-6 pieces of betel leaf, 6 grains of pepper, 1 tablespoon oil kelapa. pound all ingredients together until smooth, then rub on the abdomen. Repeat scrubbing on the sick to recover

Treatment: mouthwash 1. betel leaves boiled with 2 cups water to boil and then cool in the cooking water its. use cooking water to rinse. Repeated regularly until healthy.2. Take 2 pieces of betel leaf that has been crushed, salt. procesing, its material brewed with hot water as much as 1 cup, then stir until the salt dissolves, let it cool. Water is used for rinsing.

Allergy medicine: outside, in the sections that apply itch. materials: 6 pieces of betel leaf, 1 slice of ginger yellow, 1.5 white. procesing: wooden spoon oil, all ingredients are ground together until smooth, then rubbed on the body itching .


Take 7 pieces of betel leaf and 1 slice stone. process sugar, betel leaves finely chopped, then boiled with rock sugar with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup, and then filtered. Cooking water taken 3 times a day, each 3 tablespoons.

Taking 70-10 sirih. proces leaves, betel leaves boiled with 2.5 liters of water to boiling. While still warm, boiled water betel leaf is used to wash and clean up around the genitals over and over. from various sources

With many benefit betel leaf, it can certainly help us in maintaining health for the Natural Medicines is an excellent medicine for our bodies.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

aloe vera health benefits

Of course we know that aloe vera plant famous with many benefit to healthy in various diseases

In addition to nourish hair, aloe vera is also known efficacious for treating some diseases. Among should be between diabetes mellitus and heart attacks.

Aloe vera or what is called Aloevera is one of the medicinal plants which are very efficacious in curing various diseases. This crocodile nervously already used the Samaritans around 1875 BC. A maker traditional medicines Greek named Dioscordes, said that aloe vera can treat various diseases such as ulcers, skin bruising, cracking, blisters, hair loss, hemorrhoids, and sore throat.

In his report, Fujio L. Panggabean, a researcher and observer of medicinal plants, says that the efficacy of aloe vera no other because these plants have sufficient nutrition for the human body. Results of other studies on Aloe vera showed that carbohydrate is the largest component after water, which donated a number of calories as a source of energy.

Aloe vera can also be used as a health food that is:

According to one observer of health food (supplement), Dr. Freddy Wilmana, MFPM, Sp.FK, from about 200 species of aloe vera plant, which is suitable for treatment is a type Aloevera barbadensis miller. Aloe vera contains 72 types of substances needed by the body. Among the 72 substances the body needs it there are 18 kinds of amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, water, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, hormones, and substances drug classes. Among others, antibiotics, antiseptic, antibacterial, anticancer, antiviral, antifungal, anti-infective, anti-inflammatory, antioedema, antiparkinson, antiaterosklerosis, and antiviral resistant to antibiotics.

Given the complete content of it, according to Dr. aloe vera. Freddy was not just useful to maintain health, but also overcome many diseases. "For example, aloe vera is also able to lower blood sugar in non insulin-dependent diabetes. Within ten days of blood sugar can be normal, "he said.

Containing Antioxidants

According to Drs. Freddy, some mineral elements contained in aloe vera is also serving as forming a natural antioxidant. For example, vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc.

"Even the results of research scientists from the United States said that in Aloevera barbadensis miller there are some substances that can act as antioxidants," he said. Antioxidants are useful to prevent premature aging, heart attacks, and some degenerative diseases.

Aloe vera stimulates the growth of new cells in the skin. Mucus contained in aloe vera lignin substances that can penetrate and soak into the skin. This will keep mucus fluid loss from the skin surface. As a result, the skin does not dry quickly and look younger.

In addition to hemorrhoids, aloe vera can be overcome swelling in the knee joints, cough, and wounds. Aloe vera also helps cope with constipation or difficult bowel movements because the mucus is bitter and contain laktasit, so it is a good laxative.

So far, according to Dr. Freddy, studies have not found adverse effects the use of aloe vera. If there is a problem, it is only in the form of allergy in those who have never consume aloe vera. "But, so far from my patients who take supplements made from aloe vera, a reaction that arises is because the power of drugs that fight disease," he said. However, keep in mind, according to Dr. Freddy, the nature of the aloe vera plant is almost similar to the apples when discharged directly bitten by brown. It can be a sign of Aloe vera has been oxidized, so that some substances that contain damaged.

"It's not all damaged elements, but who would only get a pulp? Therefore, you should immediately consume aloe vera herb, whether formulated or processed, in order to better feel the benefits, "he continued.
Potions can be made by Aloe Vera

How Concocting: 1 Aloe vera leaves are washed and peeled. It contained chopped or blended. Add 1 tablespoon of pure honey. Drink 3 times daily.
How Concocting: Half (1 / 2) stem prickly aloe vera leaves removed, washed, and shredded. Give half (1 / 2) cup of hot water, then wring it out. Add 2 tablespoons of honey. In warmer conditions, drink 3 times a day.

How Concocting: Half (1 / 2) stems from aloe vera leaves are washed and peeled. The content is cut into small pieces. Brewed with half (1 / 2) cup of water. Give 1 tablespoon honey. Warm food 2 times a day.

Diabetes mellitus
How Concocting: 2 sticks of aloe vera leaves, washed, discarded needles, cut into pieces. Boil 3 cups water, then strain. Drink 3 times daily after meals, each with half a glass.

Lowering blood sugar levels
How Concocting: 1 stem of aloe vera large size (about the size of your palm) is cleaned by peeling the skin and thorns. Soak about 30 minutes in salt water. Squeeze a while and then rinse under running water (tap water). Boil 3 cups water to boil. Chill. Drink as much as 1 / 2 cups, 2 to 3 times daily.

Hair fertilizer
How Concocting: 2 midrib aloe vera are washed and peeled. The contents rubbed on the scalp that had been washed in the afternoon. Wrap with cloth. The next day the hair is rinsed. Do it every day for 3 months.

Cough (stubborn)
How Concocting: 20 g aloe vera leaves are washed, peeled, cut into pieces. Give 2 tablespoons of pure honey.
Drink 2 times a day. Repeat for 10 days.

So hopefully I can publish useful

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Healthy and Beautiful Eyes Without Disturbance

Abnormalities in the eye can occur in various forms. Examples such as wall eye, eyelids or sagging eye bags due to congenital factors or the aging process, and the existence of pterygium. Pterygium is a condition that can interfere with vision that is characterized by the growth of meat-shaped triangle of conjunctiva towards the cornea. These abnormalities can be seen from the pink color resulting in meat that grew it. Pterygium condition is often linked to excessive sun exposure. In addition, the state is also associated with other factors, such as dry eye.

Pterygium eye problems can occur in adults and the elderly. In the early stages, pterygium is not dangerous and that its development was quite slow.
However, conditions that can make a bad appearance to be seen. Moreover, further conditions, meat can cover the cornea. When that happens, surgical removal of pterygium to be done. However, surgery sometimes causes scarring of the white scar that is thick in the eye. It does not only affect the eye beauty, but also vision. For the prevention, early surgery is done to remove pterygium. The operation was fairly easily done with a high success rate when done correctly and a competent physician.

Abnormalities of the eye that is still associated with aging is that loosens eyelid.
In older people, petals around the eyes often look slack. It was caused by excess skin and muscle are also experiencing weakness. This condition is known as dermatochalasis. In some cases, the eyelids slack can also be experienced by adults. Usually the condition is caused by gravity, the loss of elastic tissue in skin, and weakening of connective tissue in the eyelid so eye tissue becomes loose and looks excessive.

Engorgement of the muscles that hold the eyelids can cause the eyelid down. The condition is called ptosis. Usually it is visible on the upper eyelid, but can also be seen at the bottom, which is in the eye bags

In addition to slack arises in the eyelid or eye bags, other problems also interfere with the appearance of the squint eye. The eyes squint or strabismus occurs when both eyes are not exactly parallel to the object being targeted. One eye alignment is caused by the absence of eye movements are normal, parallel, or coordinated. Cockeye usually inherited and its cause is not known with certainty. In children, the state of the eye that is always experienced such deviations will be amblyopic or lazy eye known. In addition to interfere with vision, eyes squint also can interfere with one's appearance. Wall eye which occurs when an adult can cause double vision problems. Eye surgery to correct the squint can be done by tightening or loosening the muscles that move the eye. In children, early surgery is necessary to prevent the wall eye.